During the 11th ministerial meeting of the Global Coalition Against Daesh, held on Monday, September 30 in Washington, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccans Living Abroad, Nasser Bourita, reaffirmed the vital importance of placing Africa at the center of the global fight against terrorism, in light of the alarming rise of terrorist activities on the continent.

At the podium of the Global Coalition Against Daesh, which held its ministerial meeting on Monday in Washington under the presidency of Antony Blinken, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccans Living Abroad alerted the international community to the dangers posed by the redeployment of terrorism to other regions, particularly in Africa.

Sounding the alarm before delegations representing 87 countries, Nasser Bourita highlighted the successes achieved in the Middle East and emphasized the importance of increased international mobilization to support African countries' efforts in the fight against terrorism. While stressing the need for the prevalence of the principles of solidarity, sovereign equality, and shared responsibility, the minister also warned that the concept of "African solutions to African problems" should not be used as an excuse for the inaction of the international community.

"Terrorism, being a transnational threat, requires a global and concerted response," he stated. "In line with the High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Morocco positions itself as a key partner in this fight, particularly through its role as co-chair of the Africa Focus Group of the Global Coalition, alongside the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Italy," the minister added during this ministerial meeting of the Global Coalition Against Daesh, commemorating its 10th anniversary.

Nasser Bourita also highlighted the impact of the UN Program Office for Counter-Terrorism, based in Rabat, which has trained over 1,500 African experts in less than three years, thus strengthening the continent's capacity to face this threat.

While underscoring the importance of maintaining stabilization and rehabilitation efforts in liberated areas, he affirmed that the climate of violence and fragility in the Middle East provides fertile ground for radical groups, allowing them to fuel their ideology and strengthen their ranks.

The minister concluded by stressing the urgency of prioritizing the terrorist threat in Africa to ensure global security and stability, asserting that "victory against terrorism in the world must necessarily pass through victory against terrorism in Africa."

Photo de famille de la Coalition mondiale contre Daech

Created in 2014, the Global Coalition Against Daesh brings together 87 countries and international organizations united in the fight against the terrorist group Daesh. It aims to dismantle terrorist networks affiliated with this group, cut off their financial sources, counter their propaganda, and stabilize regions liberated from their influence.

Morocco is a member of the Global Coalition and co-chair of the "Africa Focus Group," a working group on Africa within the Global Coalition, alongside the United States, Saudi Arabia, and Italy.

The ministerial meeting commemorating the 10th anniversary of the Global Coalition Against Daesh was marked by the adoption of a communiqué reaffirming the importance of the "Africa Focus Group" in the fight against terrorism in Africa. The communiqué also praised the group's ongoing efforts in promoting an active role for African partners in countering the expansion of Daesh/ISIS and other terrorist groups on the continent.

The document highlights the imperative of countering the propaganda and destabilizing actions of non-state armed groups in Africa.

These actions undermine cooperation efforts against terrorism, underscoring the need for close and coordinated collaboration with African countries under the leadership of the Africa Focus Group, as stated by the member countries of the Coalition.