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So is Africa

Nouakchott: Alliance between HACA and HAPA

19/01/2024 à 09:44 , Mis à jour le 19/01/2024
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The signing of a partnership agreement between the High Authority of Moroccan Audiovisual Communication (HACA) and its Mauritanian counterpart in Nouakchott marks a new step in strengthening the relations between the two regulatory bodies.


On Tuesday, January 16, 2024, in Nouakchott, the President of the High Authority of Audiovisual Communication (HACA), Latifa Akharbach, and the President of the High Authority of Press and Audiovisual of Mauritania, Houcine Ould Meddou, signed a partnership and cooperation agreement between the two regulatory bodies.

The signed agreement emphasizes that the primary goal of autonomous media regulation is to strengthen democratic culture and practice, reinforce respect for human rights in and through the media, protect the public, and ensure their right to ethical and quality information. It outlines the implementation of a series of actions aimed at improving procedures and regulatory tools, particularly in monitoring and program tracking, professional vigilance, and methodologies for adapting regulation to the new digital media environment. Several themes have been selected for consultations and the exchange of experiences between HACA and HAPA, such as managing pluralistic expression and promoting cultural and linguistic diversity in audiovisual media.

Cérémonie de signature - CACA-HAPA
Cérémonie de signature - CACA-HAPA

During this working visit from January 15 to 17 in Nouakchott, at the invitation of her Mauritanian counterpart, Latifa Akharbach also held a series of discussions and consultations regarding the upcoming events of multilateral regulatory networks, of which both bodies are members. These include the African Network of Communication Regulatory Authorities, where HACA holds the presidency for the period 2023-2024, the Francophone Network of Media Regulators, and the Forum of Audiovisual Regulatory Authorities of the Member States of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

Leading up to the cooperation agreement signing ceremony, Latifa Akharbach delivered a conference to a gathering of numerous representatives of audiovisual operators and Mauritanian press officials. The conference focused on the challenges of digital transformation for the economy of audiovisual media, a theme included among the common areas of reflection outlined in the agreement.