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So is Africa

Gabon. National Identity Card Goes Digital

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28/06/2024 à 13:01 , Mis à jour le 28/06/2024
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Gabonese citizens can now obtain the new Electronic National Identity Card (CNIE), marking a significant milestone in the country's governance. This nationwide initiative highlights the government's commitment to modernization, efficiency, and transparency.

The new identity card is equipped with an electronic chip that records each citizen's digital identity and a unique Personal Identification Number (NIP), composed of fourteen characters.

The NIP certificate, issued to all citizens after their biometric data is recorded, is the fundamental document required to apply for the CNIE.

"I am pleased to announce that you can now apply for your Electronic National Identity Card! I received mine today. This is a major advancement that we have eagerly awaited," said the President of the Transition, Brigadier General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema.

This initiative is part of the Transition Government's commitment to provide every Gabonese citizen with a secure and multifunctional national identity card.

The CNIE will enable citizens to access digitized administrative services while ensuring the protection of their personal data.