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Tunisia. 6 Months of Imprisonment for a Journalist Critical of the Government

Mohamed Boughalleb
Mohamed Boughalleb
18/04/2024 à 12:05 , Mis à jour le 18/04/2024
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Mohamed Boughalleb, a well-known Tunisian journalist and columnist, was sentenced on Wednesday to six months of imprisonment for "spreading defamatory statements" via social media.

A prominent figure in Tunisian broadcasting, Mohamed Boughalleb is among the critical voices against the Tunisian government. He was arrested at the end of March following a complaint filed by a public sector official who accused him of "insulting another person" and "attributing an illegal act to a public official."

In response to this case, the National Syndicate of Tunisian Journalists expressed its regret, describing it as "a new attempt to intimidate journalists and silence them by manipulating state apparatuses."

In addition to the union's criticism, several human rights groups also condemned Boughalleb's detention. They argue that his arrest is part of a broader pattern of harassment and legal action against media professionals in Tunisia, which they believe undermines the fundamental right to freedom of expression guaranteed by both international and Tunisian law.

The case of Mohamed Boughalleb is not isolated. Since last year, and particularly in recent months, several other journalists have faced similar charges, widely criticized as politically motivated.

The ongoing crackdown has raised serious concerns about the erosion of democratic norms and the rule of law in Tunisia, a country once hailed as a model of democratic transition in the Arab world.

As the international community continues to monitor the situation, the fate of journalists in Tunisia remains precarious. The outcomes of cases like Mohamed Boughalleb's could have significant implications for press freedom in the country and its overall trajectory on human rights issues.