The Atlantic, as a major interconnection space between several states, regions, and continents, faces complex and interdependent challenges. These issues, whether security-related, environmental, or economic, transcend geographical borders and call for enhanced cooperation.

The Atlantic African States have realized that only collective and coordinated action will effectively and harmoniously address these challenges. This understanding led to the creation of the Process of the Atlantic African States, a structured framework aimed at promoting stability, peace, and shared prosperity in the region.

Morocco is a strong advocate of this initiative. The Kingdom is convinced that uniting the efforts of Atlantic African states is the only way to overcome the growing challenges in this area. These efforts include combating maritime piracy, transnational organized crime, and the effects of climate change. Beyond these threats, this cooperation also seeks to maximize the opportunities offered by the region, particularly in the sectors of the blue economy, energy, and maritime connectivity.

Since its creation, the Process of the Atlantic African States has made significant strides in strengthening its institutional and operational foundation. Notable achievements include the establishment of a Secretariat, the creation of three Thematic Groups, and the adoption of a common Action Program.

Moreover, the launch of the Forum of Ministers of Justice was a key initiative to strengthen legal and judicial cooperation among member countries, aspiring to harmonize legal frameworks and provide a more effective response to transnational challenges.

Recently, Action Plans for the three Thematic Groups were adopted. The first focuses on political and security dialogue, an essential aspect to ensure regional stability. The second covers the blue economy, maritime connectivity, and energy, sectors crucial to the future of the region. The third is dedicated to sustainable development and the environment, two fundamental dimensions to ensure balanced growth that respects ecosystems.

Another essential pillar of the Process is seeking partnerships with actors from the North, the South, and international organizations. In this regard, a partnership document was signed with the Atlantic Center of Portugal. This collaboration brings together more than twenty countries around critical issues such as maritime piracy, climate change, and illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. This international cooperation helps pool resources and expertise to better address the threats facing the Atlantic region.

The involvement of ministries and other government departments of the member countries is crucial to ensuring the implementation of the Process's initiatives. The Forum of Ministers of Justice, launched during a meeting held in Rabat in April 2024, is a striking example.

More than just a diplomatic initiative, the Process of the Atlantic African States represents a dynamic model of regional cooperation, based on collective action and solidarity between Atlantic African nations. In the face of the security, economic, and environmental challenges affecting this region, this framework provides a coordinated and ambitious response, with the ultimate goal of creating an area of peace, stability, and shared prosperity. Morocco, as the leader of this initiative, continues to play a driving role in promoting this forward-looking vision for the Atlantic African space.