Benin has just launched its National Action Plan for the Circular Economy.

The newly launched plan will allow the country to honor its nationally determined contributions (NDCs), integrating a more sustainable and responsible approach to the use of its natural resources. It commits the Beninese government, businesses, and civil society actors to a collaborative approach in favor of an economy that promotes ethical and optimized use of resources while fostering sustainable and inclusive growth.

The government's action plan project will create a favorable framework for fully deploying the benefits of the circular economy by developing a dedicated roadmap, according to the African Development Bank's website.

Benin's roadmap will be developed from eleven already identified sectors. These include waste, water, agribusiness, construction, textiles, transport and mobility, information and communication technologies, electronics, plastics, and chemicals (related to plastics). Tourism, mining, and raw materials are also among the sectors involved.

This strategic initiative, supported by the African Development Bank through the African Circular Economy Facility (ACEF), was designed in partnership with the African Circular Economy Alliance (ACEA).

"The action plan for the circular economy brings significant benefits to Benin, including the creation of job opportunities and the development of the potential of young Beninese, while opening up favorable prospects in key sectors," said Pépin Aïna, the director general of the environment and climate of the Beninese Ministry of Living Environment and Sustainable Development.

Benin joins Cameroon, Chad, Ethiopia, and Uganda in this dynamic and paves the way for a transition to the circularity of its economy.