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Senegal: Presidential Election Postponement Validated Under High Tension

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Mamadou Ousmanne
06/02/2024 à 11:11 , Mis à jour le 06/02/2024
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Scuffles broke out among lawmakers within the Senegalese parliament after the vote, almost unanimously, in favor of postponing the elections. This vote escalates the already high tension in the country.

The law allowing the postponement of the presidential elections in Senegal to December 15, 2024, was adopted overnight from Monday, February 5 to Tuesday, by 105 votes in favor and one vote against.

During the vote, opposition lawmakers obstructing this process were forcibly removed by the gendarmerie.

President Macky Sall will thus remain in office until the installation of his successor, as specified by one of the provisions of the controversial law.

Tension escalated in Senegal immediately after President Sall announced on Saturday the postponement of the presidential election scheduled for February 25, just hours before the start of the campaign. The official announcement of the postponement could intensify protests.

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the African Union, the United States, the European Union, among others, have expressed their concern.

Numerous human rights organizations, both Senegalese and international, have condemned internet restrictions and the suspension of the license of the private television station Walf TV. They have called on the authorities to refrain from excessive use of force, arbitrary arrests, and violations of freedoms.