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Your search for Rwanda returned 5 results
Paul Kagame - Frank Habineza-Philippe Mpayimana.
So is Africa

Presidential Election in Rwanda. The Final Race Will Oppose Three Candidates

The final lists include three presidential candidates: the incumbent President Paul Kagame, from the ruling party (Rwandan Patriotic Front), the head of the Green Democratic Party (opposition), Frank...

Paul Kagame
From the President

Rwanda. Paul Kagame Announces Presidential Candidacy

Paul Kagame, who has been president since 2000, was designated as the candidate of the ruling party, the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF-Inkotanyi), following the party's approval at its congress i...

Kigali, Rwanda

Investment. Rwanda More Attractive Than Ever

According to the Rwandan Development Agency (NISR) in its 2023 annual report, Rwanda attracted global investments totaling $2.47 billion last year. The sectors that attracted the most investments wer...

Beyond the umbers, inflation Reflected in the Rwandan Household Basket
So is Africa

Rwanda: Inflation Hits Lowest Level Since 2022

The Institute's report on the consumer price index indicates that the inflation rate has continued its downward trend for the fourth consecutive month, setting at 4.2% in March, down from 4.9% i...

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Rwanda. Aziz Akhannouch in Kigali to represent His Majesty King Mohammed VI

King Mohammed VI was represented at the 30th anniversary commemoration of the Rwandan genocide by the head of government, Aziz Akhannouch. Several Heads of State and Government, as well as representa...