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Your search for Growth returned 7 results
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So is Africa

Economic Outlook. Africa at a Crossroads

The latest edition of the World Bank’s Global Economic Prospects report highlights both the challenges, opportunities, and risks for 2024 and beyond. Economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa is projec...

Economic Benefits of the Cultural Industry
African Dream

Nigeria. Creative Industry Boosts GDP

The contribution of entertainment to the GDP has increased over the last three years. In 2020, the Nigerian bureau of statistics had estimated the entertainment contribution at $1.1 billion.  Over t...

The IMF exercises its supervisory right as a financier
So is Africa

The IMF Warns South Africa About Manipulated Growth Forecasts

The last decade's severe governance issues, including state capture and corruption, have had consequences for South Africa, as highlighted by the 2022 State Capture Commission of Inquiry, the ...

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So is Africa

Togo. A New Impulse for Women's Entrepreneurship

4,503 new businesses mark a 3% decrease from the 4,655 companies formalized in the first quarter of 2023. Of the 4,503 companies launched, 3,810, or 85% of the total, were founded by Togolese nationa...

So is Africa

Angola. Growth Will Not Spring from Oil Wells

In Angola, growth is expected to accelerate from 0.8% in 2023 to 2.8% this year, with economic activity mainly based in the non-oil sector, while oil production is expected to drop to 2.5% in 2024 d...

Growth in Africa

Africa: The Economy Withstands Shocks

We forecast a growth of around 4% for the continent in 2024, which is much higher than the global average. More than 15 countries will achieve a growth rate higher than 5%, said Kevin Urama, descri...