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Your search for Democraty returned 3 results
The AU Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security, Bankole Adeoye

African Union Commissioner Bankole Adeoye : "This is the essence of democracy for the African Union"

During the third specialized training for AU election observers, which was co-organized in Rabat by the Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Residing Abroad and the...

Ambassador Bankole Adeoye

PCNS-Rabat. Elections and Democracy in Africa Under Discussion

Elections and Democracy in Africa: New Perspectives, Lessons Learned, and Best Practices is the central theme of the Dialogue-Seminar on Elections and Democracy in Africa. This event is organized...

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Places of Power

Somalia. Presidential Regime Shifts to Universal Suffrage

Until now, the presidential election in Somalia followed a complex indirect system, where state assemblies and delegates nominated by a myriad of clans and sub-clans select the legislators who then e...