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Your search for AfDB returned 3 results
Bright Promise of the World Bank and the African Development Bank

Bright Promise from the World Bank and the African Development Bank for 300 Million Africans

The WB has committed to connecting 250 million people through decentralized renewable energy systems or distribution networks, while the AfDB will support an additional 50 million people, according t...

Growth in Africa

Africa: The Economy Withstands Shocks

We forecast a growth of around 4% for the continent in 2024, which is much higher than the global average. More than 15 countries will achieve a growth rate higher than 5%, said Kevin Urama, descri...

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Green Jobs. Boost from AfDB for Young Entrepreneurs in Ghana and Senegal

The African Development Bank , through its Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Youth Entrepreneurship and Innovation ( YEI MDTF ), has approved a grant of $999,000 to support an initiative aimed at promoting ...