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From the President

Presidential Elections in Senegal. A Phoenix Named Macky Sall

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Dina Bendriss
04/10/2024 à 00:03 , Mis à jour le 04/10/2024
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Macky Sall rises from the ashes. The former president of Senegal has been chosen as the lead candidate for the Takku Wallu Senegal coalition, which is preparing for the legislative elections scheduled for November 17.

The Takku Wallu Senegal coalition (an expression in Wolof meaning to mobilize for Senegal) brings together several influential parties, including the Alliance for the Republic, founded by Macky Sall, the Senegalese Democratic Party led by Karim Wade, Rewmi of Idrissa Seck, as well as other groups like the "Jamm Ak Jarin" coalition and the New Responsibility of Amadou Ba, Macky Sall's former protégé.

Facing this coalition is Ousmane Sonko, leader of the Pastef party, who has been chosen to lead his party’s list. Sonko, who was imprisoned for six months under Macky Sall's presidency and was prevented from running in the presidential election, now finds himself in a position where he must once again face the former president in these legislative elections. This vote is particularly crucial for him, as it could redefine his role in the Senegalese political landscape.

The path to the presidential palace was reopened for these candidates after the parliament was dissolved by President Diomaye Faye on September 12. This decision was motivated by the need to create a new parliamentary majority capable of supporting reforms and stabilizing the political situation. The previous National Assembly was dominated by the Benno Bok Yakaar coalition, which supported Macky Sall. The decision to dissolve the Assembly was seen as an attempt to rebalance power for a president in search of a parliamentary majority.

Additionally, the ruling party proposed to dissolve the High Council of Local Authorities and the Economic, Social, and Environmental Council, deemed too costly. However, this proposal was rejected by opposition deputies, highlighting the existing tensions between the various political formations.

The anticipated legislative elections are set to be decisive for Senegal, with significant stakes for future governance and the dynamic between the different political forces.