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Ministerial notices

Mali. New Reforms for the Mining Sector

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Mamadou Ousmanne
16/07/2024 à 10:37 , Mis à jour le 16/07/2024
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The Government of Mali has adopted significant reforms to revitalize its mining sector.

Several decrees were enacted during the latest Council of Ministers meeting to strengthen the legislative framework of the mining sector in Mali. These legislative reforms align with the vision of the Transitional President, Colonel Assimi Goïta.

The new measures include decrees setting the implementation modalities for laws related to the Mining Code and local content, as well as the approval of standard establishment agreements for the exploration and exploitation phases of mining. These initiatives aim to diversify the exploitation of mineral resources and promote the valorization of strategic substances such as lithium, reports the African news agency.

Mali has also concluded a strategic agreement with a Russian state-owned enterprise specializing in nuclear energy to accelerate research and development activities for the Bougoula lithium permit in the Bougouni region. The objective is to transform lithium concentrate into lithium batteries locally, thereby enhancing the country's energy and technological independence.

Minister of Mines Amadou Keita emphasized the importance of these reforms for the economic and technological future of Mali, stating that they will stimulate investments and contribute to the growth of the mining sector.