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So is Africa

African Lion 2024. Morocco Hosts Monumental 20th Edition of Multinational Military Exercise

Africom au Maroc
Africom au Maroc
Mamadou Ousmanne
12/05/2024 à 08:26 , Mis à jour le 12/05/2024
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The "African Lion 2024" exercise will take place from May 20 to May 31 in Morocco, at Benguérir, Agadir, Tan-Tan, Akka, and Tifnit.

On the High Instructions of His Majesty the King, Supreme Commander and Chief of the General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces (FAR), the "African Lion 2024" exercise will be jointly conducted, for the twentieth time, by the FAR and their American counterparts from May 20 to May 31 at Benguérir, Agadir, Tan-Tan, Akka, and Tifnit, states the General Staff of the FAR in a press release.

About 7,000 elements of the armed forces from about twenty countries in addition to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) will participate, in Morocco, alongside the Royal Armed Forces and the American Armed Forces, in these large-scale military maneuvers, the same source specifies.

The "African Lion 2024" exercise includes several activities such as tactical exercises, land, maritime, and air operations, combined, day and night, a special forces exercise, airborne operations, as well as an operational planning exercise for the staff of the "Task Force," the statement continues.

This twentieth edition also includes an academic training cycle, organized in preparation for the exercise, training to combat weapons of mass destruction, and a set of medical-surgical and social services provided for the benefit of the population of the Akka region by a field military hospital, notes the same source.

Contributing to the reinforcement of operational, technical, and procedural interoperability among the participating armies, the "African Lion 2024" exercise, the largest exercise conducted in Africa, remains a key meeting where military staffs come together to exchange procedures and experiences, especially in terms of training and combined joint training, emphasizes the statement.

This twentieth edition testifies to the enduring nature of the cooperation between the Royal Armed Forces and the American Armed Forces, reflecting the historical and strong ties that bind the two countries, concludes the General Staff of the FAR.